Biography Igor Ashurbeyli: first work, the creation of "Society", move to Moscow (1985 - 1990)

September 16, 1985
I.R. Ashurbeyli under the graduate placement scheme was hired as a software engineer in the laboratory of automation of the All-Union R&D Institute on preparation for transportation and processing of natural gas (VNIPI gas).
April 10, 1987
I.R. Ashurbeyli entered a full-time post-graduate program of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after M. Azizbekov.
June 10, 1988
I.R. Ashurbeyli created with partners and headed his first private enterprise – Cooperative Coordination and Production Association (CCPA) "Socium".
July 12, 1988
The service "Registrar" was created within CCPA "Socium". It helped to set up and registered more than 1,500 cooperatives and 120 joint ventures.
August 15, 1988
I.R. Ashurbeyli created and headed the Association of Scientific and Industrial-technical Enterprises of Azerbaijan (ASITEA).
February 18th, 1989
I.R. Ashurbeyli was elected as the vice-president of the Union of Cooperatives of Azerbaijan.
April 10, 1989
Within CCPA "Socium" a school of personal computers "PC-Center" was created, where more than 2,000 people learned computer literacy.
July 4, 1989
I.R. Ashurbeyli was elected a member of the Presidium of the USSR Union of United Cooperatives and moved to Moscow.
February 19, 1990
I.R. Ashurbeyli created together with the Union of Consumers Cooperatives Enterprises under the USSR Central Union of Consumer Cooperatives the All-Union Scientific Production Association (SPA) "Socium" and headed it.
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